Our 2024-2024 initiative is C.R.E.A.T.E. Change. Our goal this year is to empower each program attendee to understand that they are special, they are important and they can create a successful future for themselves! The acronym stands for Confidence, Responsibility, Education, Art, Talents, and Exercise.
This project will teach three classes and we plan to teach 165 children in total: an Art Class, a Healthy Habits class and a Teen College and Exploration class. Each of the words used in our acronym: CREATE are covered in at least one class and sometimes in multiple classes. Our intention is to teach these children that they can create a successful future for themselves!
You can read a brief overview of what these three classes will include below:

Teen College Exploration

This program will consist of 5 classes and will allow the children to discover multiple options available here in town for them to pursue further education upon high-school graduation.
In the introduction, students will be asked to select two careers that they are thinking about for their lives and will also be given a third randomly by our organization. The group will take two campus visits locally and also have two other institutions come speak to them at the Cliff Hagan Boys & Girls Club.
On the last day/conclusion, we will have the students pick out one career of the ones they have researched and also choose an education path. They will specifically write this out and also write out steps they can take now or will need to take in the future to ensure that they can succeed in achieving this plan/guide/goal. This program should show the kids that they can take responsibility now in their decisions that will help create a successful future!
Healthy Habits

This program will consist of four classes. The overall theme will be S.W.A.P. in which we will encourage children to swap out their possibly unhealthy choices for more positive and healthy ones. Each class will consist of an activity to get the children moving and a lesson that the student will learn about how their choices today can impact them in the future.
Healthy habits are important to children’s growth and especially vital for their long-term health. The intention of this program is to help the children understand both the benefits of an active lifestyle while allowing them to also learn about the dangers of an inactive lifestyle. By teaching the children that activity can be fun, can be done with friends and can be done anywhere if needed we hope to create a lifetime of healthy habits for them!

Creative Arts
This program will consist of four classes, each of which the students will get to show off their creativity, hope to develop a sense of confidence, show off their artistic talent, and discover great things about themselves. To start each lesson our teacher will discuss the attendees’ interests, how each of us are unique and special and also have the children write down something that they like about themselves as well. After the lesson each student will participate in an art project that they will be able to take home with them and share with their family.