2023-2024 PROGRAM
2023-2024 Brought an increase of 261% from our previous year as we reached 172 kids total for the year! This meant 172 children were able to learn life lessons, personal safety information and learn how they can become successful in the future! KidSmartz, described below, was the focus of our program attendees between the ages of 6-11 while our teenaged kids learned about healthy habits, opportunities for their future and how their decisions today can impact their future.

Kidsmartz is a child safety program that educates youth and families about preventing abduction and abuse and empowers kids in grades K-5 to practice safer behaviors. The most important takeaway from this summer was the four rules of KidSmartz and I can tell you each child that participated could recall these rules by the end of the summer!
Rule number 1: Check First
Rule number 2: Take a Friend
Rule number 3: Tell People No!
Rule number 4: Tell a trusted adult
The full overview and program can be viewed here: